Saturday, 15 May 2021



Regarding our chosen topic for our Current Issue Discovery Project, we had interviewed two students from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia asking for their opinions about the topic. 


First Panel :

Name : Nurul Aisyah Binti Mohd Nasri

Age : 20 Years Old

Address : Tanah Merah, Kelantan

Study Place : National University of Malaysia (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia)

Course Field : Bachelor of Education with Honor (Special Education)

Second Panel :

Name : Nurnisa Raihana Binti Mohd Jamil

Age : 21 Years Old

Address : Dungun, Terengganu

Study Place : National University of Malaysia (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia)

Course Field : Bachelor of Education with Honor (Special Education)


These are the questions that we have asked the two panels throughout the interview session :

1. Have you heard about Online Distance Learning before?

  • Yes. Our first panel have heard about ODL before due to the pandemic COVID-19 . Our government has conducted an Online Distance Learning system to help students with their studies. Hence, students should adapt with it, like it or not. 

2. What do you think about Online Distance Learning during this pandemic COVID-19? Is it necessary or not?
  • Our second panel said ODL is very necessary. Despite the obstacles, the education system should continue as usual because we do not want the Malaysian education system to be disrupted and will affect the quality of students. As we can see, most local universities, both public and private, including schools in Malaysia, have no choice but to use virtual teaching and learning methods to ensure that the teaching syllabus can be delivered as well as possible and learning sessions are not delayed. Besides, The implementation of online learning has long been practiced in developed countries because it is believed to be able to provide various benefits and advantages. In the meantime, this is the perfect time for Malaysia tries to improve our education system.

3. Online Distance Learning
 gives a lot of impacts to students mentally and physically. what do you think about it?

  • She really agreed with the statement. Since ODL started, students missed social interaction between each other. Students have overloads of assignments and with lacks of social interaction, it can lead students to get anxiety and stress. Some say that students are now learning for the assignments but not the courses. Thus, ODL can affect students' mental and physical. 

4. Could you please share with us what kind of experience you have faced?
  • Our second panel said she have been going through this online learning for a year. Various challenges and obstacles she needs to go through. One of the biggest challenges for her is getting internet access. She lives in a rural area and it is very difficult to get good internet access, and this sometimes affects her works especially when there were presentations and quizzes online. Besides, learning online things become a challenge to her when it comes to group work. since it was only a virtual discussion, some of her groupmates took this opportunity not to participate and this gives her a burden to settle up everything and complete those assignment. She also had a difficulty to understand what she's learning.

5. Does Online Distance Learning help students with their study? If not, why?
  • She has no exact answer for the question. She said, some students can adapt well with the new norm learning but some might be not. Students that can adapt with ODL can stay focus during the classes while others cannot due to the gadget interference and other interruptions. Thus, she has no exact answer for that. 

6. As a student, what you want to convey to all the learners out there who are facing Online Distance Learning?
  • As a student who is also facing ODL, she hopes that her fellow fighters, fellow friends out there to continue to be patient and keep fighting. Don't despair, our journey is still far. Take good care of our mental and physical health. Do not forget to do activities that we love so that we are not too stressed with ODL. We also need to be good at managing our time and daily routine

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